Evan Bookbinder
Now, I certainly wasn't surprised that there were hundreds of chasers on the same couple of storms considering the prior week of gorgeous weather and really one small area chase target. However, there were more than a handful of chasers (both solo and in groups) that were breaking a multitude of driving laws on both main and rural Kansas roads. Speeding on a rural dirt road with no traffic...honestly not my beef (of course unless a stray cow is involved)
However, we counted no less than two dozen vehicles who were "pulled off" on various roads with portions of their vehicle and/or equipment actually in the road. I realize that most western KS roads have fairly steep drop-offs along the shoulder, but if you find a spot to get your vehicle safely and completely off the road, use your hazard lights and act responsibly, I don't think anyone is going to have a care in the world.
