Android Screen Capture?


Feb 11, 2012
Athens, TX
How does on go about capturing a screen (such as a Radarscope image) in Android [tablet]? And where is the image saved?
I'm not a big Android user and have no clue how to go about this. Thanks

Robert Keck
It all depends on the device. But RadarScope has a built in feature to screenshot images. Just roll the toolbar over to find the Draw/Range Diameter/Share features. Use the share feature to screenshot the current radar image and send it via text, Facebook, Twitter, what have you.
It DEFINITELY depends on the device, but it's usually something easy so it's worth taking a few minutes to google your device. On my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone, you could simply wipe your hand from left to right on the screen to take a screenshot, but this feature had to be specifically enabled. On a Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet, touch and hold the stylus anywhere on the screen and it saves a copy to your screenshots folder as well as puts it in the clipboard. There is also a "quick launch" icon on the Galaxy Note 10.1 so you can press a single button. On the Galaxy Note 4, you hold down the power and home button simultaneously - not exactly intuitive, but once you know the trick, it's quite easy.
It all depends on the device. But RadarScope has a built in feature to screenshot images. Just roll the toolbar over to find the Draw/Range Diameter/Share features. Use the share feature to screenshot the current radar image and send it via text, Facebook, Twitter, what have you.
Ok. Found that and this seems to be all I want but it gives maybe a dozen options to save to, but not one seems to be what I want ... to simply put the image on the device and I can deal with it later. Seems like everything involves "uploading" somewhere, and as we know this is often not an option when out in the corn field.

However, it seems the "Memo" option may be as close to saving locally as I'm going to get and I can live with this option. Thanks all. I'm at mom's in Longview, TX Sunday/Monday. Let's see if something can develop today that's worth running down
If you have an Android that means you have a gmail account, which means you have a Google Drive. You can upload things into your drive and download them later to save it to whatever device you're logged in to your Gmail account with. And if you're getting radar, you're getting some data. Could be enough to get what you want.
I like the screen capture save on IOS Radarscope much better then all the goofy options on Android Radarscope.