Android Radar Alive Pro - 2014 Version

Apr 25, 2009
Scottsdale, AZ
Radar Alive Pro has new features for 2014 - for Android phones and tablets.

I built Radar Alive Pro (RAP) for storm chasers (myself, first of all:)). It provides radar images (many products), storm tracks, a nice METAR display and warnings display, on a fast-panning/zooming low-clutter map which requires no downloads.

It is also a complete Spotter Network client, with positions display, background position reporting, reports display, and the ability to send your own SN reports.

With AllisonHouse integration, you also get a high-reliability alternative radar source, lightning, LSR's (local storm reports), watches and the SPC Day 1 outlines.

RAP has many configuration options, allowing a customized display. It uses special algorithms to minimize bandwidth and power usage.

RAP has been available for 3 years and is used by thousands of chasers, emergency management personnel, spotters, meteorologists and others.