An old chase hip hop song from 1998

Dec 4, 2003
(split off from a thread in the Newbies Start Here forum)

These are easy, as these are clearly from the chaser "Funny Quotes" compilation that Gene Rhoden and I made in late 1991 at NSSL. ...... There are a lot more on that tape! What are you planning to do with it (other than us it for more music - YOU SHOULD POST THAT SONG!).

Greg, if you can vouch for the sound clips falling under fair use exemptions I'll post the song, at least for a couple of days. I really don't know if these guys (Erik, Dave, etc) care about their clips being used, which is why I haven't posted it.

Which chase song is this? Has it already been developed or are you going to be making one?

I have an MP3 that uses a few of those quotes that I downloaded from somewhere (I forget where I got it) several years back. It is kind of like a dance, hip hop genre, and it uses "It's gonna take all them houses!" several times, and uses Erik's "Debris! Debris! Debris!" quote, and the "Thank you God!" quote a few times as well.
I have an MP3 that uses a few of those quotes that I downloaded from somewhere (I forget where I got it) several years back. It is kind of like a dance, hip hop genre, and it uses "It's gonna take all them houses!" several times, and uses Erik's "Debris! Debris! Debris!" quote, and the "Thank you God!" quote a few times as well.

That's the one. I believe Tim ripped some Milli Vanilli samples for the song.

It could be redone - this time using royalty-free sample loops (e.g., ACID).