Amvona Tripods

You might want to check this link out. Most of the Amvona tripods are DynaTran. I bought a backpack camera bag from Amvona and have been pleased. I have bid on a few of those ebay auctions a few times but I am don't want to spend over 20 + shipping so I am being patient. Anyway, here is the link to a thread about the DynaTran tripods.

I've used one of the heavier duty one's for larger video cameras and use one as a back up for still cameras. They aren't the best construction, but serve their purpose for a while. The heavy duty model I use with video cameras, I've had for about 3 years now and have used an XL1 with all the goodies, Large Betacam and medium Sony DVCAM. Other than the center brace rivets giving out, it's works out pretty well.

For something that you don't mind losing, or breaking, they workout well. Manfrotto, of course will give you years of service, these won't.
Depends on your application. Do you have a little handycam and are shooting video? Then a good tripod probably isn't that important (at least until the wind start blowing). Do you have a DSLR and want to take longer exposure pictures? Then cheap tripods are a waste of money.

A lotta pros like the carbon fiber tripods, but I'm in the "the heavier, the better" camp. I like the Manfrotto aluminum stuff. Weighs a ton, but is rock solid even in the wind.

Yeah, it costs a bit more, but you can get a great tripod with a great ball head for under $200. It'll last probably a decade or more, unlike the el-cheapo tripods.