AMS Statement: Freedom of Scientific Expression

Dec 10, 2003
Freedom of Scientific Expression
(Adopted by AMS Council on 17 February 2006) Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 87

Advances in science and the benefits of science to policy, technological progress, and society as a whole depend upon the free exchange of scientific data and information as well as on open debate. The ability of scientists to present their findings to the scientific community, policy makers, the media, and the public without censorship, intimidation, or political interference is imperative. With the specific limited exception of proprietary information or constraints arising from national security, scientists must be permitted unfettered communication of scientific results. In return, it is incumbent upon scientists to communicate their findings in ways that portray their results and the results of others, objectively, professionally, and without sensationalizing or politicizing the associated impacts.

These principles matter most — and at the same time are most vulnerable to violation — precisely when science has its greatest bearing on society. Earth sciences and their applications have growing implications for public health and safety, economic development, protection of the environment and ecosystems, and national security. Thus, scientists, policy makers, and their supporting institutions share a special responsibility at this time for guarding and promoting the freedom of responsible scientific expression.
Their membership and subscription fees aren't minor either, much more than the AGU and many other scientific societies (despite their claims). Though, they do have nice full-time student perks.
Member ­ $80
Member with Student Privileges ­ $15
Associate Member ­ $55
Associate Member, K-12 Teacher ­ $40
Student Member ­ $15
Associate Member, Precollege Student ­ $15

AMS Journals 2006 Subscription Rates for Individual Members

The AMS Authors' Guide is available in PDF format.

The new BAMS author guidelines can be found here.

( I pay 80 dollars a year to the AMS each year)
Originally posted by Walker Ashley
free exchange of scientific data and information

Except for the AMS who impose ridiculously high page charges to authors of this research. :wink:

LOL You mean you don't want to pay $135 per page and $590 for color graphics (well, $590 for first color graphic, $490 for 2nd, and $190 for each addl)?
AAAS statement

AAAS Council Approves Resolutions on Censorship, New Orleans Researchers
Censorship, intimidation or other restriction on the freedom of scientists employed or funded by government agencies is inimical to the advance of science, the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science said in a resolution passed at the 2006 AAAS Annual Meeting in St. Louis.

The Council, which meets annually to establish general policies for the science society, applauded a recent statement by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin that his agency is “committed to open scientific and technical inquiry and dialogue with the public.â€￾

Griffin has ordered a review of NASA’s public affairs policies following allegations that political appointees tried to censor statements by agency scientists, including threats of “dire consequencesâ€￾ against James E. Hansen, a NASA climate scientist who has long expressed concern about the potential impact of global warming.
The text of the resolution on Free and Open Exchange is here and the text of the resolution on the impact of Hurricane Katrina is here.