AMS meeting, anyone going?

Aug 9, 2008
St. George, KS
I was just wondering in anyone from here was attending the AMS meeting in Phoenix next week?

I am going to be in attendance beginning Saturday (for the student conference) and am leaving Tuesday. This will be my second meeting, first being New Orleans. I am really excited as last year was a great learning experience for me as I got to see many informative (and a few way over my head) lectures, see different schools graduate programs, and learn of jobs within the meteorology field. The poster sessions were also good as you got to see other peoples research and expand your knowledge of the field. There are many things there to do and its a great place to network both in and out of the actual meeting.

I have also never been to Phoenix before and was curious as to if there will be any hot spots were people will be gathering or hanging out? New Orleans was fairly easy because we had Bourbon Street but it will be much different this year. It would be great to put some faces to the names I always see on here!

Nope, but vote for my poster.

I won't be going, but if you are, or anyone else for that matter, check out my poster that I designed for the DC/AMS local's sweet...and vote for it too!
Myself and a few Metro students will be in attendence this weekend. "Look me up when you get there..." (10-cents to the person who correctly names the movie that's quoted from). :)
Myself and a few Metro students will be in attendence this weekend. "Look me up when you get there..." (10-cents to the person who correctly names the movie that's quoted from). :)

I won't be there, but if I could find a way to come up with 1.21 jigawatts to power my DeLoreon equipped with a flux capacitor, then I could make the trip and look you up when I get there :D
I will be flying in Sunday evening and staying until Friday morning. You can catch me in the NWS exhibit booth on Wednesday from 11 am - 2 pm. Please stop by and say "Hi."
I'll be attending. I'll fly in on Friday and leave the next Friday.

Tony, what's your cell phone number? Perhaps we could hang out, get a meal, get a drink at some point? (might wanna PM that to me)