Amarillo Radar June 8th???

Apr 10, 2008
Enid, Oklahoma
Well I think I may have seen my biggest storms ever today or something was wrong with Radar Like 10 or 15 storms in TX panhandle with 90+ DBZ!!!! Does that actually happen or was there a glitch?:confused:
It's definitely a glitch of some sort. You can tell that it just doesn't look right. Even the normally weaker returns are pulling in strong returns that just look weird. I have no idea why though!
I don't know what the technical term for it is, but it looks like it hasn't switched into "Storm Mode"? It seems that when there is very little precip around, the radars run in a different mode that is much more sensative.

The radar went out of calibration. This can happen for a number of reasons. The velocity data was good, the reflectivity was far "too hot."
I noticed this too and assumed the AMA reflectivity was too sensitive. However, the location of the Baron shear markers still looked accurate. TM
Yea looks like the Radar Calibration coefficient is WRONG. :) Who has the ping pong balls?