All chasers accounted for?

Dan Robinson

Do we know if all chasers who were covering this event have made it out? I'm a little concerned about any chasers who chose to base in the areas that were completely destroyed. Keeping in mind that not all chasers keep up with StormTrack, is there anyone that hasn't checked in yet?
Two forecasters from NWS SGF barely made it back from Gulfport. Still awaiting to hear of their heroing tales.

Keisling I assume made it back? Last time I talked to him he was at New Orleans airport planning to head over to Houston to fly home to MSP. I was looking up flights for him on Southwest (which were amazingly still larglely available). Of course this was before the airport was swamped by the levee break...

Originally posted by Jay Cazel
Has anyone heard from Jim Reed or his crew??? He has not updated his site since Aug 27th?

I'm increasingly worried about Jim Reed as well. Knowing Jim, he was out there. Jon Davies may have been out there with him as well, and haven't talked to Jon either. I e-mailed both awaiting reply later on today. I'll give Jim Reed a call first thing when I get up... unless anyone else knows anything about Jim and possible chase of Katrina along the Gulf Coast.

Mike U
They are safe... just saw their crazy video from the Holiday Inn in Gulfport. I'd say they had some pretty close calls. Had some extreme footage of surge coming through the hotel lobby, carrying cars etc. They had an interview with them... just looked a bit tired to me;)

Originally posted by Aaron Kennedy
They are safe... just saw their crazy video from the Holiday Inn in Gulfport. I'd say they had some pretty close calls. Had some extreme footage of surge coming through the hotel lobby, carrying cars etc. They had an interview with them... just looked a bit tired to me;)

Jim Reed and Mike Theiss were on the Today show this morning. Got some excellent photage. Looks like it wasn't very easy either. Great job guys! We're glad you're safe.
Respect to all at stormtrack

Just seen Dave Lewison's footage. Every person who could ever possibly be affected by a hurricane should see this. If people knew that a 20ft storm surge was likely to happen, which you guys were predicting days before Katrina's landfall, I'd like to think lives could have been saved.

This cannot be allowed to happen again.

I'd also like to apologise on behalf of the UK for us not doing more. I am so upset and angry - sorry to stray into politics, but as some of you have been questioning Bush's actions, by now Tony Blair should have sent all available troops, medical staff etc to help. This is your tsunami and people here don't seem to realise.

Good luck to you all. I pray that you can help change the world.