Ahem: Nikon D3X (got a spare 8 grand)?

Even though I'm a Canon guy, it makes me incredibly happy to see Nikon pumping these babies out -- and to see Nikon finally eclipse Canon in terms of digital camera performance. For years Canon was in the lead, but Nikon is more than a nose ahead these days. But as long as there are two strongly fierce competitors out there, it should keep the camera prices more down to earth, which is good for photographers everywhere.
The D3X is certainly something to lust after, although sensitivity to low light and quality glass trump "pixel count" for serious storm photography. The D3 and D700 are still the royalty of low light performance. Now, if you are a serious bird photography, you need all the pixels you can get your hands on for cropping purposes, etc. I agree with Ryan that Nikon has at the very least reached Canon's level of superiority in the DSLR world. Canon still has an advantage over Nikon in some areas, but Nikon IMHO has probably passed Canon (at least now) in areas like low light performance.
That is something to fathom, RAW size is borderline insane, since I have seen maybe 10mb from my camera! Looks like we are getting close to the 30mega-pixel mark.

I want to picture it as Nikon is to Canon as AMD is to Intel. Cannon/Intel hold the majority market share, but the likes of Nikon/AMD are stepping up big time and holding down their end of the deal.

One day I'll get myself a pro DSLR, and I will stick with Nikon for as long as I can. My D40 may be old but it has proven itself to me, even I was torn on camera choices for a while.
I think it was the lens options that made me finally go with Canon.
I - too - was on the fence for awhile as to which brand I would go with.
Mike H's use of the 10-22mm made me accept the Canon camp.

I think it is time we break thru our size definitions per picture being processed; it can only get larger as time goes on.
It's the expectations of photographers that push the limits of what mfr's are willing to make and sell.
It's like a 'limbo pole dance'; how low light can they go w/o adding digital noise?

This Nikon looks like it is a real winner; but it is a LOT of money to spend.
One would need to sell a lot of photos to get into this unit; unless you have the money to spend to get better results with it.
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