Age limit to be a skywarn spotter?

The one around here didn't! That's odd...

Believe me, what I mean by a test - I mean a REALLY hard test. Being a spotter means you can help save lives, but you can also annoy lives too. :lol: - What I mean is I know half of the spotter-based TOR's are NOT tornadoes. I've seen what some spotters report, probley because they got the itchy trigger-finger and want to show their friends a cool thing that they can do with the EAS! :lol:

Infact, I wouldn't be surprised if their were some spotters that report false stuff for just the thrill of it! Shoot, I could call DTX right now and tell them I got a tornado on the ground right now and they would have to issue a warning.


No Skywarn tests here either, even though I'm about 10 miles from you (what Skywarn training location do you go to? The Macomb center is closest for me).

DTX would probably have to verify your TOR report though, through radar/etc... Obviously if its sunny out and not a cloud in the sky, they would use other sources to verify.

I remember several years ago, a SVR rolled through with 70MPH winds, and knocked the power out for about 20 minutes. When the power came on, I called DTX to report what happened, but I forgot to mention it happened 20 minutes ago, and within 5 minutes, the "red scroller" comes across TWC, with my spotter report put into the "Call to Action" statement... I could see why they re-issued though, because there was in fact a secondary storm, but when it went through, it was nothing more than garden variety (the warning was cancelled 10-15 minutes later)...
"what Skywarn training location do you go to? The Macomb center is closest for me"

I went to the one at Freedom Hill in Macomb County.
