Promote your business with advertising on The Debris Show!!!! We are now offering adspace during our live broadcasts!!! Check out for details!!!
Promote your business with advertising on The Debris Show!!!! We are now offering adspace during our live broadcasts!!! Check out for details!!!
Yeah, we're still in infancy but growing. Our show doesn't enjoy the support others like Weatherbrains and High Instability get on ST and other forums, so we're basically word-of-mouth. We have a small following, but we seem to snag new viewers/listeners each week. Despite our meager numbers, the demographic tends to be folks who are interested in chase/storm/weather-related items and services. Maybe this weekend I can get our tech to actually give us the numbers for the show (for whatever reason he always withholds this information when I ask).
We're trying it out to see who bites and how it goes. We've already had one taker.
Your link is dead on my end but when I visit the root domain I can find it. May want to update that here... How many people listen in? I run a weather forum and looking to get more people through commercial advertising sources and wonder if your advertising plan would be a good thing for my forum? Is it visual or audio advertising?
The show has been evolving a lot the past month, and part of that change is a new domain:
We average between 200-300 original views per show, with appx 80-100 viewing for the entire two hours. The advertising we offer is both audio and visual, depending on what package you choose. Details can be found here:
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