Actual pictures of the Greensburg tornado?

Warren Faidley

May 7, 2006
Mos Isley Space Port
My office has been getting a lot of calls from media and charity groups looking for pictures of the Greensburg tornado. I have noticed a lot of fake Greensburg images and videos being posted on the Internet. If anyone has actual still images, or video frame grabs, I will be happy to forward the requests your way.

You can emial me offline at [email protected]


I have noticed a lot of fake Greensburg images and videos being posted on the Internet.

Was it your tornado photos in broad daylight being passed off as Greensburg or satellite grabs of Katrina? Either way, I expect them to be making the email rounds soon. I can't wait.

I know several chasers have at least video grabs.
No, I have not seen anyone pirate mine, or any other chasers I know. I have everything clearly captioned from OK on the 4th. It seems people are pulling really old stuff and passing it off as "Greensburg."
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Hey Warren, did you check out youtube? :), thereis a video clip on there of the tornado, but I'm not sure if you may have already watched it or not :), there is a link on the 1st page in the thread I started :)

I've been looking round for other images/video, but haven't been able to find much, but I'll keep looking anyways :)

I hope that this helps in some way or another :)

Warren, I have seen a number of Greensburg tornado images. In addition to Dan Dobinson, the Twistersisters, VanDewald, and Bob Fritchie have images. As far as I can tell, all are video stills. I haven't seen any digital or regular film images.

Bill hark
I will have video grabs available when I can get all of my footage off of Digital8 mm. Still having issues there- if anyone around the Austin area has Digi8 capability, please PM me. Thanks!

Have also noticed multiple media outlets reporting Reed Timmer's Ellis County OK tornado video as being the Greensburg tornado "early on". I have had to clear this misconception up with several of my friends, including some who are relatively weather savvy. As usual, once these misconceptions start, they are difficult to reverse.

When I did the Fox interview in Austin yesterday afternoon, I showed the news director video from both tornadoes, and several times emphasized that they were NOT the same tornado. Later that night, on their 9 o'clock broadcast, a different anchorperson made the same mistake again.

It's down to the researchers at the TV Network, to get it right, as they are responsible for the details that are given in a news report, but also, it's kinda down to a slight case of laziness by the newscaster(s) to make sure they get it right, they seemedly just wanna read the news, get paid and go home again :)

ok. i have real digital stills. i emailed you, warren. i don't feel comfortable posting them but i will. these are amazing pictures, and i would really hate to be the next mike hollingshead(photos being stolen). i dont want people to take my pics as their own. i will post them in the reports thread.
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KMBC TV Monday video of Greensburg tornado

Couple nights ago Gary Lezak's crew with KMBC NBC news in Kansas City posted the video of the Greensburg tornado. Showed it starting and then as it grew to f5 and crossed the highway.
I believe this was the same video that I caught in the morning after I headed out to Kansas and OK to chase for sat and sunday.
Nice pics and grabs.
(PS . Meanwhile on thurwsday if your buy a pizza hut pizza in Kansas, part of the money goes to the disasater relief of the tornado aftermath.
The Austins from Florida have incredible video of the tornado as it crossed 183 to the south of Greensberg. They are still out chasing and I am sure they will put it up when they get home.
Thanks Bob! Yep I have video footage and video grabs of the Greensburg Kansas tornado if anyone is interested they can feel free to send me an email or private message :D