A Tripod question

I just picked up the tripod that my dad has had for 10-15 years. Looks like it is in good shape...

It is the Velbon brand and decent tripod or a piece of crap? I know nothing about them.
Most Velbon's are cheaply made and not worth the cash paid. However, I've seen some of the higher level models that seem to be better made. These are not available at Wal-Mart. Most likely only online somewhere. If it's aluminum and Plastic, most likely it's not a very good tripod.

On the other hand... A cheap tripod is better than no tripod at all. Just be aware of the limitations. If you don't have the money for a Bogen (about the best reasonably priced tripods going) Tripod, then get what you can and start saving your pennies for the better stuff. Vivitar actually makes 3 Pro model tripods that aren't bad for the price. Expect to pay about $100 to $250 though. Check (dare I say it?) e-Bay as they routinely have used bogen tripods going for pretty good prices.