A strange acronym

Nov 5, 2007
Odessa, Nebraska
Ok. Here is one for the Mets on this forum. I was reading this forecast disccusion and came across the acronym "BCCONSMOS", specifically "BCCONSMOS solution". I was told by another WX-inclined friend that it was some kind of climate model. I get that. I just wanna know what in the heck it sands for. Help?
BCCONSMOS stands for bias corrected consensus mos (model output statistics). It's a weighted blend of all or a mix of the mos guidance (met, mav, lav, mex, etc) with a bias correction applied.
Another blend is the ALLBLEND that central region WFO's use in the extended... it's a weight blend of several models (ecmwf, gfs, gem) with a 50 percent mix of the previous forecast and a 50 percent mix of new model data (to prevent flip flopping).
Yes, a lot of work done on this was done by the SOO at Boise NWS. He did extensive work (if not developed, I think) on the Boise verification program that NWS offices use to see how well all these blends and raw output guidance is doing in terms of verification. I use it everyday. Very handy tool.