7/27/08 DISC: IA/MO


The tornado sirens sounded in Newton IA for probibly 20 minutes. A friend from work saw one tornado on the ground between Baxter and Newton moving towards Newton. She took pictures of it and it went right by her house. The only damage from what I gathered was to the field by thier house. Another tornado was reported on the ground by CarCountry and the Newton Airport. I was working at the PizzaRanch so I had a great view of this area and saw nothing. It was raining so the tornado could have been rain wrapped making it hard to see. I am not sure if standing out in the rain looking for a rainwrapped tornado is very smart but me and my fellow workers could see all of the clouds around us and had plenty of time to see shelter if a tornado was spotted.

I also heard tree's were uprooted in FortDodge. there was also reports of 70-75 MPH winds with this line of storms and large hail. Flash Floods warnings is in effect for the severe line of traning storms in central Iowa. All of them are warned for being capable of 60 MPH winds and Quarter to Golfball size hail. What a night for severe weather.
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