Yesterday, a very brief but intense supercell formed near Redfield, I left to go intercept that one but turned around after about ten minutes, due to a trend of weakening (storm was collapsing). The subsidence from a departing wave and the weakening instability had done it in. So, I was also watching a cell that had formed in MN. At the time it didn't look like anything special, but like the other cell it went into 'popeye' mode and showed a decent mesocyclone and a nice hail core. Unfortunately, the cell experienced a full on collapse right as I got to it. I did manage to take some good structure shots of it throughout the drive. Some of the last pictures started to show underneath the cloud base.
This is at the same time there is a reported tornado.
With a little enhancement you can start seeing underneath the cell.
Still weakening, but there is still a nice little rotating updraft base shown underneath.
In about half an hour there is no echo left on any tilts and this is what remains of the once great storm.
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