7/18/06 NOW: CO

Mar 19, 2005
Independence, MO
In just the last hour a very well defined classic supercell has erupted just north and west of the town of New Raymer. Driving north from Fort Morgan, I witnessed a beautiful horseshoe shaped meso develop and shortly thereafter a small funnel appeared and a tube of dirt and debris rose into a formidable column which lasted about thirty seconds and then dissipated just as I finally found a spot to pull over at. :angry: (To those who don't know, Colorado State Highway 52 has a shoulder of about two feet for about three miles of its 28 mile stretch between its beginning in Fort Morgan and it's termination at its intersection with Highway 14 east of New Raymer and the remaining twenty five miles is six inches or less, so it's hard to find safe places to pull off). Strangely enough there have been no warnings on this storm whatsoever. I'm having fun watching it as the storm is centered roughly six miles north of my farm and is almost stationary with a slight southward drift. It has a very nice, highly visible, slowly rotating meso and should be an excellent lightning show once the sun goes down. An unexpected but pleasant suprise on a seemingly convectionally unfavorable day. :D