6/23/06 NOW: ND / SD / NE / CO

Jun 16, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
I may be a bit pre-emptive with this, but it's June 23, the anniversary of Manchester and a day before peak tornado season in SD - anything could happen.

A weak tornado has already been reported in ND and 1.75 inch hail reported near Huron, SD.

WW just thrown up for SE SD...with a storm rolling right at me, I think I'll just stay put for a bit and see what happens as it comes.

EDIT: Sky is just beautiful here...lots of convection going on. Wish you were here? ;)
The intial cells that formed N of Huron SD were the best (around 1pm). As it moved to NW of Iroquis the Southern one took off and had several instances of rotation on the updraft and several gustnadoes in that area. The storms near Miller were decent with the S one finally managing to deal with all the other cells and developing some nice high-based structure.

Im now escorting the cells over Huron back west- Instability seems pretty meager to expect much for re-strengthning.