6/18/09 REPORTS: FL


Jun 12, 2004
Sunrise, Florida
Good day all,

With no way to chase the "big stuff" in the Central USA (stuck at work) - I caught some of the interesting storms in Florida on Thursday (June 18). An MCS propagated all the way down the state from northern FL near Jacksonville to south of the Lake Okeechobee in Palm Beach, County. I caught the storm complex after work in Central Palm Beach county along Highway 27 at about 6:30 to 7 PM on the edge of SVR WW valid until 7 PM.


Above: Anvil of intense multi-cell severe thunderstorm south of Belle Glade / Central Palm Beach Couty, FL (along Highway 27) on June 18, 2009.


Above: Intense updraft with CG lightning strike associated with mult-cell severe thunderstorm looking to the north along Highway 27 in Central Palm Beach Couty, FL on June 18, 2009.


Above: Interesting funnel develops on the updraft base just as it is getting under-cut with 60 to 70-MPH outflow near Highway 27 in Central Palm Beach Couty, FL on June 18, 2009. Interesting green glow from the hail.


Above: Intense outflow winds (60 to 70-MPH) and microburst impact stage (with dust plume) east of Highway 27 in Central Palm Beach Couty, FL on June 18, 2009.

These storms were enhanced by the outflow (cool pool) from the north with it's associated outflow boundary / gust front which intersected another N-S oriented boundary (possible sea-breeze front / outflow from earlier cool pool over SE FL). Hail to dime-sized and 70 MPH winds were associated with this severe cell (multicell cluster / line segment).


Above: Earlier near Miami international airport near work during strong T-Storm north of the airport during late lunch!
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