Report posted on my blog. Met up with Scott Olson and he shared with me his success. I should have just hung around Brookings. Oh well. Got some decent shots.
Caught the tornado near Erwin, SD. At first glance the cell looked rather high based and had little precipitation with it. As I got a bit farther south I could see a very crisp updraft and nicely backsheared anvil. As I stopped to take some pictures of this I saw a nipple protruding out of the flat updraft base. I wasn't sure it was going to descend any farther but after a minute it stuck out a little more- at this point about 1/4 the way down to the surface. This is when the surface circulation became obvious. I didn't see anyone out there so I callled it in and pulled over to watch it for the next ten minutes. At around 6-7 minutes it hit a structure as much more debris was evident. After about 9 minutes the condensation funnel (which never extended more than 1/2 way to the surface) lifted but the surface circulation continued strong for at least another minute or two. After the tornado stopped a wall cloud descended and was rotating very rapidly with various funnels. The cell fell totally apart about 5 minutes later and I caught another nice looking cell to the NE of it. This cell had nice updraft with an overshooting top and an area of well-rounded and striated clouds in the middle of it. It also had a wall cloud for a while with a nice tail and some brief attempts at funnels. An enjoyable chase.
B) Didnt expect much, and i didnt have the $$ to go further north into SD, i basically caught the storms West of I-29 from the Moville IA , Lawton IA area, i basically hung around Highway 20 East, then made my way back home on Route 175 West.. just some nice clouds and what not, ;-) got the car washed, heavy rain, and i did encounter some pea size hail , saw a double rainbow, and thats about it, not much of a chase but its fun to get out and play around... ill post 2 or more pics tommorow. Congrats on the high based tornado in SD... call it luck...( it looks high based )
I left Hastings at @ 3:30p.m. as soon as I saw the red box. I arrived just east of Norfolk, NE at @ 6p.m. Storms were firing, but seemed to lack low level shear. After a severe t-storm warning or two, I decided to work my way back home to Hastings. Great light show and got to punch the core of the MCS-WOOHOO! Better days are surely ahead. Congrats to Scott Olson!
I chased nw IA Tuesday night and saw some very good updrafts try to get going, but as is the fate of most easterly moving cells with nw anvil level winds they turned to junk after ingesting the rain cooled air. I was hoping something would get cranked up when it interacted with a weak warm front arcing through Sioux City, but no dice. I did see a very large lowering / wall cloud at about 8:00 pm, but it eventually had the same fate as the rest of the cells that night. Here is a pic I’ve been playing with looking west at a cell moving over the Missouri River in to IA. Congrats to Scot for catching the tor up near Brookings.
bah...this is what I get for being impatient and going after the southern stuff...still better than a day in the office though! Congrats to everyone who scored the Kingsbury county torn.
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