5/19/2004 REPORTS: NE, IA, SD, ND, MN

David Drummond, Graham Butler, Chip Legett and I headed out of Omaha around 130pm with a target area of Norfolk. We stopped for data around Fremont to check the now downgraded and increasinly crappy looking new outlook. With a watch now issued in ND/SD and the front having lifted far too rapidly we knew there was no way we would make it to ND before dark to catch the action. After alot of discussion we decided to race back south towards SE IA and meet up with Philip Flory hoping against all hope the cap would break and we would be in business... it didn't. We all decided to shoot up north to try to intercept the cell riding along the IA/MN border but got a report half way there it was dying out and the sun was setting.. We, like everyone else, busted big time. We headed back to Omaha for the night and David and gang are currently on their way to CO/NW KS. I had to take a down day to take care of some kid stuff :(

It sucks we busted but it was pretty fun BSing with the rest of the busted out chasers we came into contact with and passing many more people I know on the roads. Lots of funny stories from yesterday. I'll update my page when I get a chance with some seriously gut busting moments. It also kinda funny to see the a story on the local news about the storm chasers taking over the town.