3/27/07 NOW: Rockies Winter Weather

Billy Griffin

Hard to narrow this one down to a locale, even on the winter weather event side of this storm...

Sitting here in Evanston, WY and already have about 3" on the ground, with much more heavy snow to come! Winds have caused the power to go out a few times here at the Days Inn.

Should make for an interesting drive across I-80 in Wyoming tomorrow. Driving down through Idaho today, I don't think I've ever driven in such strong wind gusts from non-thunderstorm events! Was watching Salt Lake City local weather and some reported wind gusts were in excess of 100mph in parts of Utah and Idaho this afternoon! This storm is really wound up and should produce some really active weather out on the Plains as well. Chasers get ready!

Forecast here is for up to 14" of snow by this time tomorrow, with blizzard warnings now being posted in MT.
A friend said he had little accumulation in the Idaho panhandel but he did have snow falling for awhile. Looks like a good snow event for the rocky mountains. Keep us updated Billy.
While driving across Wyoming, well over 1' was forecast in most areas, with Blizzard Warnings being posted as well. I'll tell ya', it got just a bit scarey driving with white-out conditions at times, but by the time we made it over to Laramie, the sun popped out and it was all over.

We stopped in Limon for the night, and now the cold front has passed... winds are HOWLING and now snow is forecast for the Denver area and into eastern Colorado.

This has been such a fun system to chase, or rather, have accompany me, during the trip from Orting, WA to Oklahoma City, OK.