3/17: REPORTS: Oklahoma-Arkansas

Mar 4, 2004
Norman, OK
Pottawattomie LP

Well I headed out around 1330 (way too early) and headed down to Ardmore b/c I thought the greatest chance was going to be around there and a little east of there. I spent a couple of hours raking the CU feilds and followed them as they pushed slowly north. I was on hwy 77 when I saw this tower go up about 1730. So I raced up to it and snapped a couple of pics. I was debating about staying with this one or going after the cell to my east, I decided to stay with this one b/c it was gettting dark out. It had pretty good structure but kept backbuilding, it didn't appear to get a dominant tower, at least not before dark. It got dark quickly and I headed home, saw an nice light show though. There are a couple of pics on my website.


Some real nice pictures there Aaron - very nice and clear. Certainly a robust looking updraft in some of those pics!
Saw the same low topped high based cell Aaron got the pictures of, so at 6:30pm I went out and set up SE of Noble to get some video. Had planned on going back home after dark, but starting seeing lightning out of the storm, and decided what the heck why not go after it. Hoped to catch up with it to at least get some hail out of it, but I ran out of good road options in Horntown so I turned around and went back. Updraft held together pretty good as it moved east into the better moisture, produced some nice lightning that lit up the whole updraft. Saw about 5 other groups of chasers watching the cell west of Horntown. Took this video cap SE of Noble, probably about the same time of Aaron's last picture. Sorry the contrast isn't the best but you can see how good the visibility was.

[Broken External Image]:http://home.earthlink.net/~jwear/cb040317.jpg

The real excitement came after I got home to see this white extended cab pickup slam right into a parked Chevy Silverado. YIKES!!!!!

[Broken External Image]:http://home.earthlink.net/~jwear/crash040318.jpg
I got to see some convection going up to the east as I was driing home from New Mexico into Oklahoma. Made for a nice cloud-illuminating lightning show :)
Posted some video taken 3-17-04 approx. 4:40 pm while storms developed in south Tulsa.
Video is nothing special , VERY ROUGH.
I was basicaly just testing settings on a new camcorder. Made for a great test object though.

Test Video