2021-05-21 REPORTS: CO, NE

Caleb O.

Jul 13, 2020
Duvall, WA
This was my first chase day of the season for me, definitely made the most of what ended up being a pretty marginal day. I targeted Raymer, CO hoping to ride the tip of a dryline bulge that the models were hinting at as the spot for convective initiation. Cells initiated S of Fort Morgan at first around 22z, but were pretty slow to develop and take hold, and by 00z they had intensified and congealed into a multicell cluster mess in far NE CO, moving into the NB PH. At that point we were situated near Kimball, NB and decided to let the storms pass us by as they went N-NE at about 35 kts and were treated with an absolutely gorgeous display of rainbows and mammatus golden hour magic. Managed to snag a couple decent lightning photos that night to end the chase as well.

Rainbow&Mammatus.jpg5_18-Sunset&Mammattus.jpg5_20 Lightning#1.jpg