2016-06-28 REPORTS: WY

Jan 10, 2014
Sheridan, WY
I recently moved to Sheridan, Wyoming. I am going to have to get used to chasing here because both the climate and terrain are vastly different than Illinois. Yesterday was my first local chase. The SPC had an enhanced risk in Nebraska with a slight risk extending up into eastern Wyoming. Adequate moisture and upslope flow spawned storms throughout the day. I missed the first round of storms that brought some large hail to the Black Hills in the early afternoon. But around 4PM I headed east of town to watch another storm form over the Big Horn Mountains. I loved watching the lightning bolts strike the mountains as they slowly became obscured by the approaching rain.


With road options few and far between, I stayed ahead of the storm until Buffalo, where it became severe warned. Then I took I-90 east (no services for 66 miles). Every exit here is a dirt road that can become messy when wet.



The structure wasn't bad. But it soon became apparent that I would lose the storm as it took a more southeasterly track into no-man's land. So I found a view atop a hill and watched it move away.


A rainfoot began to form on the edge of the rain core. A microburst quickly accelerated outward kicking up dust and forming scud clouds. I wish I had shot a time lapse but it was raining just enough that I didn't try.


Chasing in Wyoming definitely has it's challenges but I hope to have a few more days like this throughout the summer.