2011 Minnesota Skywarn Workshop - April 9, Minneapolis

John Wetter

SN President
Staff member
Dec 11, 2005
Maple Grove, MN
Join storm spotters and weather enthusiasts from across the state and region for the 6th annual Minnesota Skywarn Workshop. It will be a full-day severe weather conference designed to train you in spotting techniques, equip you with information about the latest in weather technology, and connect you with other Skywarn communities from across the state.

This years keynote speaker will be Dr. Paul Markowski from Penn State University.

Dr. Markowski is known for having collaborated on the current model for tornado genesis including the theory of vortex lines. His work in environmental conditions leading to the formation of tornadoes is currently the state-of-the-art in tornado research.

Dr. Markowski is a principal investigator for the recently completed field operations for Vortex-2 and continues to work as a member of the steering committee. His presentation will feature some early results from Vortex-2 and a look at some of the interesting data they collected that will require more in depth research with the goal of increasing tornado warning lead-time.

We will also focus on the events of June 17, 2010 which recorded a record-breaking 48 tornadoes in the state of Minnesota with 74 total in the region, including 4 EF-4 tornadoes.

For the full agenda and to register, go to www.mnskywarnworkshop.org

Pre-registration closes on March 20th!