2011 Earthquake Visualization Map

Jan 27, 2011
Russell, KS
Just saw this on Morning Media on KSN, and it's really cool. Sadly I noticed the one actually linked on their page was posted (well, stolen and reposted since I hardly believe he speaks Japanese) by our favorite HAARP-Ring tin-foiler dutchsinse, so I went and found another copy to link here so as not to give him hits/ad revenue.

What's really interesting is that you can see the three large quakes - almost like 'warning shots' - that fired off the coast of Japan starting 48 hours before the 9.0 and the barrage of aftershocks that followed.

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Awesome animation, though I did see it yesterday when it appeared on one of the Reddit type sites. I piped it out to our big-screen TV... my 8-year old loved it. You can really see how the November 5 earthquakes in Oklahoma barely registered compared to what went on in Japan.

One of the things seismologists are wondering about the Japan quake is "Why wasn't it bigger?" Only about half of the fault system actually ruptured last year. The southern half (closer to Tokyo) didn't rupture and still seems stressed. The question for Japan - and any other subduction zone - is, how many years will it be before the next megathrust quake?