2010 DCEM Severe Weather Symposium

Wayne Deaver

Greetings Everyone,


On Saturday, March 20, 2010; Douglas County Emergency Management will again be putting on their Severe Weather Symposium to take place from 7:30am - 1:00pm at the Lawrence Arts Center, 940 New Hampshire here in Lawrence.

We are bringing in 4 Guest Speakers from across the Midwest to put on presentations that day. That list will include: Greg Carbin, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the Storm Predication Center in Norman; Brandon Ivey, The Storm Report and Storm Chasers; Brian Barjenbruch, Journeyman Forecaster at the WFO in Topeka; and Matt Elwell, Chief Meteorologist - Channel 6 News in Lawrence. Following those presentations we will be a Roundtable Discussion where our 4 Guest Speakers, along with select group of Local Meteorologist (Topeka, Kansas City and Lawrence) will have the opportunity to field and address questions from the audience.

More information is available at our website: http://douglas-county.com/depts/em/volunteering/em_symposium.aspx

We can also be found on Facebook: http://http://www.facebook.com/#/group.php?gid=236358083541&ref=ts

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via E-Mail ([email protected]) or Jillian Blair, Asst Director DCEM ([email protected]).