2005: Strange Tornado Year (Discovery News)

"As for tornado fatalities for the 2005, there were somewhere between 1,100 and 1,200, which is significantly fewer than in 2004, with 1,819, and 2003's 1,376, according to storm researcher Ken Dewey of the High Plains Regional Climate Center."

That's a fatality for every tornado, boy im glad thats not true!
It sounds like he was just a hack reporter 'on assignment' at the annual AMS meeting. Boy did he ever goof up the facts. I'm guessing he just left off the '1' on the tornado counts, and then mixed up the tornado counts with the fatalities later. I'm not sure on the number of CA tornadoes last year - I suppose it is possible he got one fact right (by accident I'm sure). The editor there must be just as clueless..... how sad.

There were only 233 tornadoes in 2005 in the US? I agree that he must have meant 1233 (which is pretty close to the 1233 prelim reports per the SPC page). Regardless, that's a pretty error-filled article coming from a semi-reputable media source.
Originally posted by Scott Olson
"As for tornado fatalities for the 2005, there were somewhere between 1,100 and 1,200, which is significantly fewer than in 2004, with 1,819, and 2003's 1,376, according to storm researcher Ken Dewey of the High Plains Regional Climate Center."

That's a fatality for every tornado, boy im glad thats not true!

Actually, if you take his 233 tornadoes with 1,100-1,200 fatalities, it's more like 5 deaths per tornado.
In August there were 62 tornadoes in Wisconsin, obliterating the previous record there of 44.

Most of those tornadoes came in other months...27 on August 18 and I don't think there were any others that month...maybe 1 or 2. :roll:
Originally posted by Dave Gallaher
When did the Discovery Channel get promoted to semi-reputable?

Dave Gallaher
Huntsville, AL

I think many people regard Discovery, TLC, A&E, etc, higher than other sources, myself included. Maybe it's changed like the Weather Channel, moving from accurate presentation to things less desired (e.g. fence fixing, spending what seems like 90% of the broadcast time on the northeast 10-15% of the country, etc). Perhaps I mis-spoke and should have said "a source that I consider to be semi-reputable", which seems like a better assessment than a blanket "semi-reputable" label.
The numbers underline some basic truths about tornadoes, said Dewey: They are much harder to predict than large, long-lived events like hurricanes and they choose their victims randomly.

Well, we all know who wrote this.... :lol:
quoting Jeff Snyder: I think many people regard Discovery, TLC, A&E, etc, higher than other sources, myself included.

The Discovery Channel family of "documentary" outlets long ago mastered the art of taking worthily fascinating subject matter and filtering it through the lowest common denominators ( fear, sexuality, etc) of viewer intake. Mixed with this are occasional propagandist "historical" episodes, such as those used to create images of dangerous weaponry in Iraq during the promotional buildup to the war.

TDC was begun by a fellow who graduated from the University of Alabama in Huntsville; I had great hope for it for a while.

I don't intend to demean anyone's viewing choices---rather to express the number of disappointments the TDC group has provided.

Dave Gallaher
Huntsville, AL
Just as an update... I emailed the website to notify them of the incorrect numbers. I just got an email back from the author, stating that he has made corrections where he could. I'm not sure what numbers Schaefer gave at the conference (I missed that talk), but I can't imagine he said 1300 fatalities and 233 tornadoes last year. LOL.

EDIT: I see he DID correct that fatality count, but he's staying with the 233 tornadoes in 2005... He mentioned that that's the number that was given in the talk, as well as the number given in his absract... I've looked through my Preprints CD and can't find it on though, unfortunately.