12/20/06 REPORTS: NE / CO / KS

Mar 22, 2004
Curtis, NE
Major Ice Storm at my location in Curtis , NE. Power has already gone off once and many branches can be heard loudly cracking as they break under the weight . Pics below are in my neighbors yard.



Reminder: REPORTS thread are only for post-event storm reports. Please use a NOW thread for the discussion of ongoing events. In addition, media and 3rd-party reports, pictures, and so forth belong in a DISC thread. I moved 4-5 posts into a NOW thread to comply. Gracias!
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I shot a few more pics of the very impressive ice storm in Curtis, NE. The precip has changed to snow this evening so it appears the ice storm is over.

Several of the streets were at least partially blocked and some were closed due to large limbs .

I spoke to a City worker who said he had several close calls with additional branches falling as he was trying to open the streets.

As we were talking ,a loud crack made us both turn as another large branch fell in the yard across the street.





Dean Cosgrove

Well, not the best quality picture, but you get the picture! That's about the last 8 inches of a yard stick. The drift is over 4 feet high; right off my driveway.

I still can't get an accurate gage as to how many inches of snow we actually got in Colorado Springs; it ranges from a few inches to well......................that! Over 50 mph wind gusts just sent the snow everywhere. All in all, a great storm; I'll never complain when work is closed from snow!
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What an impressive storm we had here in the Denver metro! This is the first blizzard I have experienced since I just moved here in July from Norman. What a nice welcoming present from the state. Here at my place we received exactly 2 feet of snow. Many of the side streets turned into sidewalks because travel was next to impossible in cars and the real sidewalks were covered in snow and drifts as high as 4 feet.



On a funnier note, my Lab loved the snow. Although sometimes he did not realize how deep the snow was!
