Dec 21, 2007
Springfield, Missouri
Our chase was pretty wild, but we didn't all that much structure. Intercepted the supercell coming out of Guthrie but got caught in the hailcore and decided to ride it out in Perkins, OK. Before we found a gas station to take cover under 70mph wind starting driving golfballs into the car leaving a few dents. We found some cover and I was excited to get some video, but we were boxed in on each side and the hail and wind was driving under the awning. I still got my video camera and ducked down on the side of the car that was blocking the wind. Well what I didn't know was a big hole in the awning to drain water from the top was right there and the video camera and I got a shower. The camera broke, but I still had my HD one on the dashboard. I said screw it and ran into the gas station absolutely wet. It lasted about 8-9 minutes before it settled and it was quite a rush watching those hailstones, a few tennisballs fly horizontally past the window. After that we continued to try and get east of the storm, but gave up in Cushing and went to KFC. I will get some video up from the dashboard camera when I get home from school today.

Yes it was wild....but the best part of the night was when you guys ran me off the road after you passed Jeff Smith and I on HWY 33, up a hill on a curve in a no passing zone all with another car vehical coming! And not a severe storm withing 50 miles!!!!!!
Spotter Network is so wonderful, it tells you who is right around you!

Can we say self policing?

I sent an e-mail to you and your Dad yesterday and tried to keep this private but no response what gives?
Hollingshead, most likely. And he wasn't in Oklahoma...:eek:

LOL, well almost maybe. The first thing I thought of when I saw that image was Hill City KS June 9, 2005, early in that tornado's life. If that actually isn't from OK on the 5th, my bet would be it's from June 9th 2005 and they were very close to where I watched it from. The tree line and angle make it seem like they were very close to where I was. The tornado looks pretty much identical for that time frame as well. I don't know that the article is saying that tornado was from November 5th though. It might just sort of be there for the article, though a bit misleading if that is indeed how they used it. But I'm sure a million other tornado events have looked a lot like that too.


Just an example of what I'm saying, but not even at the right time. If the thing is from June 9 05 it was a couple minutes before this capture I have.

And there were very few people where I was then, as most chasers were south then, not east of Hill City. I'd think that would make it easy to narrow down. Should look at Silver Lining's page as they were right by me. Stormgasm were also somewhere right in there. Hmmm, looked and not on either of theirs. Probably not Hill City 05, but damn it looks identical.
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It's a file photo. TV stations use file photos and video clips in unrelated stories all the time. Journalistic guidelines are that they should label a file image/clip as such to avoid confusion, in this case they didn't. Hopefully it's from their own archives - but it's not uncommon for these to be lifted from someone's website. Happens all too often.
And interesting that the family was "sucked out" of their home by the tornado. I've not heard a tornado actually suck people out of a house before...

I have not heard of the people being sucked out of a house, but I can attest that everything else will get sucked out of a building. This picture is of a church that was struck April 4, 1977 here in Birmingham. Everything in the church was taken out through the left wall of the church except the curtains hanging over the Baptismal. So, yes, it can feasibly happen.


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Yes it was wild....but the best part of the night was when you guys ran me off the road after you passed Jeff Smith and I on HWY 33, up a hill on a curve in a no passing zone all with another car vehical coming! And not a severe storm withing 50 miles!!!!!!
Spotter Network is so wonderful, it tells you who is right around you!

Can we say self policing?

I sent an e-mail to you and your Dad yesterday and tried to keep this private but no response what gives?

Here is what you stated in your e-mail to Michael:
The reason I am sending this e-mail is because the vehical in question had
Kansas tags and was either silver in color or grey. It looked like either a
tarus or a cadilac, I could not make it out because they were going to fast
and I was trying to avoid the big ravine/ditch
> Also, upon looking at the Spotter Network it appears that you and your Dad
were the ones who went around us. We also verified this with another chaser who
was back behind us and was passed by this vehical

Lanny - In your e-mail to Michael you mentioned the car was silver or grey in color and was either a Taurus or Cadillac. We were driving a black 2001 Nissan Pathfinder. Just because we were close to you and have Kansas plates does not mean it was us. I suggest in the future you get your facts straight before you go making accusations.

Here is a picture of the our car. It is far from a cadillac.

If you are still not convinced PM me and I will educate you further.
Along with what John said, keep in mind that there are many chasers and spotters who do not use Spotter Network and will be in the same areas as other chasers and spotters who do use it. With that said, if someone speeds past you and you see John Doe on Spotter Network being near you doesn't mean that John Doe was the one who sped past you.

To me it was irresponsible of Lanny to come on here and publicly "out" a fellow chaser who a). wasn't guilty of the said offense and b). was based only on the fact that you saw them near your location on SpotterNetwork.
The Oklahoma tornado was a quick EF0 .5 mi long and the home destroyed was a trailer. Female was at back door trying to get to storm shelter when it hit. She was tossed out when the trailer blew apart. Very small tornado that did not destroy trailers next door.

Storm was very HP and tornado was not a long radar read. Storms were trying to line out and I think this was close to a merger area. Max winds from these storms I observed were about 45 mph. Very heavy rain and some dime size hail. This was NE of the tornado about 20 miles.
I've chased with John and Michael O'Keeffe for years now and I've never known them to be reckless chasers. For someone who once called himself an 'Outlaw' to call them out on bad behavior I think is pretty ironic. IMHO
Along with what John said, keep in mind that there are many chasers and spotters who do not use Spotter Network and will be in the same areas as other chasers and spotters who do use it. With that said, if someone speeds past you and you see John Doe on Spotter Network being near you doesn't mean that John Doe was the one who sped past you.

To me it was irresponsible of Lanny to come on here and publicly "out" a fellow chaser who a). wasn't guilty of the said offense and b). was based only on the fact that you saw them near your location on SpotterNetwork.

Please see my blog for response: http://lannydean.blogspot.com/