10L: TD10
Well, the NHC is initiating advisories on TD10, located south of the Cape Verde islands in the far eastern Atlantic. The latest spaghetti model graphics seem to indicate models have a pretty good consensus that TD10 will move WNW over the next few days, eventually ending up near the present position of Ike. The GFDL and HWRF are on the northeastern / right edge of the model guidance suite, indicating a position near 24N/45W by Saturday night. Both of these models also bring TD10 up to tropical storm intensity (as Josephine) relatively quickly, and the GFDL strengthens it to hurricane intensity Tuesday night. Given the look of the forecast, it looks like a fish (i.e. a storm that'll recurve out to sea), but we're a long ways out.
When is the last time we had 4 active tropical systems in the Atlantic at one time? I remember having 3 concurrent storms a few years ago, but I'm not sure I've seen 4.