Robert Dewey
Thread for your reports - There should be quite a few reports since if was a VERY active day! :lol: :lol:
yeah same here guys. nick and i decided to head out early to be in somewhere nnw of des moines iowa where everything was looking to be coming together for a decent show. turns out that when we got there spc was still calling for activity to develop then later in the evening a watch was being anticipated and so we decided to head up to somewhere just south of storm lake iowa. we waited and saw nothing come into effect so we stayed for a bit then headed back at 2:30AM this morning. i guess we all learned that even though such setups look very nice on a map they arent so good on land. then again we have all been through a bust or will be so it makes sense. we have decided to go no further than indiana for the remainder of the post-season. we then will head out in may to the plains for maybe a while and hang around and finish what we tried to start this year. so gl to everybody from here until winter coming up. these late systems are like april systems with cells moving very quickly to intercept. gl all!
Jason Hetzel
Anyone have any thoughts as to the extent of the jet stream related CI shield Friday (which will be a major player in insolation)? At 18Z Friday, it looks like significant CI S and E of a CDS-ICT-OTM-DBQ line, based on 250 mb RH.