07-07-04: Reports of a Fireball seen in OK and TX tonight

Re: 07-07-04: Reports of a Fireball seen in OK and TX tonigh

Originally posted by mikegeukes
Anybody see the fireball in the sky in Oklahoma and Texas tonight

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Yes, only from Conway, Arkansas. It appeared at 9:19 p.m. to the south-southwest at about a 55-degree angle as Scott Blair and I were exiting the freeway. It first appeared as a large fireball with a blue-green tint and lasted for about 5 seconds with a long tail trailing behind it. As large as the object was, we at first surmised that it may have been an airplane. However, because it didn't last but a short period of time, we concluded that it must've been some sort of large meteor. We went ahead and reported it to the local authorities who said they would pass it along to the LRAFB.

Jason Politte
I saw it as well about the same time. It looked like a bright star then began to streak downwards from about 45 degrees with a VERY bright green color and with trailing orange fire behind it. it even dimmed then rebrightened. It was one of the if not the brightest meteor ive ever seen and lasted a good 5 seconds. There will probably be more info at http://www.spaceweather.com tomorrow.It was a beautiful site and ive spoken to some who saw it in OKC Wichita Falls & Houston Texas. It was kind of a bollide fireball combo meteor. Very impressive. just wish I had my camera set up. :-( At least I got to see it tho. :)
I still remember hearing about a fireball several years ago that was seen across half the country, especially in the Midwest. Wish I could remember what date that was. I seem to remember someone got it on video at a high school football game.
Originally posted by Tim Vasquez
I still remember hearing about a fireball several years ago that was seen across half the country, especially in the Midwest. Wish I could remember what date that was. I seem to remember someone got it on video at a high school football game.

I actually witnessed that one. I don't remember the date, but I was driving west through downtown Charleston, WV when I saw a bright orange star-like object near the horizon racing north. At first I thought nothing of it and assumed it was a low airplane landing at nearby Yeager Airport, until I realized how fast it was moving. Way too fast for any aircraft. After a few more seconds I could see a tail of glowing sparks behind it.
I missed this most recent fireball, but I saw one a few years ago at twilight as I was driving back to OKC from Dallas. Just happened to look at the sky to my left and there it was, a bright light streaking eastward and leaving a clearly visible vapor trail. It was actually a small cluster of lights, as glowing bits separated from the main object while I watched. Something was breaking up, and it soon disappeared behind clouds to my northeast. The trail it left was clearly visible for at least 20 minutes afterward, as it was high enough to reflect the setting sun when clouds in the area were already in shadow. Very cool. I kept looking for information about it and found out a few days later that it was a Russian rocket body disintegrating in the upper atmosphere. Won't ever forget watching that.
I still remember hearing about a fireball several years ago that was seen across half the country, especially in the Midwest. Wish I could remember what date that was. I seem to remember someone got it on video at a high school football game.

Is this the one you're thinking of?

It now appears that July 23rd's (2001) dazzling daylight fireball punched
through the atmosphere over central Pennsylvania and may have
scattered meteorites over the rugged woodlands of Sproul State Forest.
Defense Department satellites tracked the meteoroid's flare for
several seconds beginning at 6:19:11 Eastern Daylight Time. The path
began over Scranton (75.6 deg. W, 41.5 deg. N) and ended 140
kilometers to the west over the town of Williamsport (77.3 deg. W,
41.3 deg. N), during which it dropped in altitude from 82 to 32 km.
Despite occurring in daylight, the meteor was bright enough to be
spotted by eyewitnesses from Canada to Virginia.

In its final moments the fireball created a deafening sonic boom that
shook the ground. Meteor expert Peter Brown (Los Alamos National
Laboratory), who is analyzing the satellite records, told Sky &
Telescope, "I can almost guarantee that this object broke up." He says
that reconstructing the object's orbit and flight path are proving
difficult because the entry velocity is uncertain, though it's
probably in the "asteroidal" range of 17 to 20 km per second. Brown
believes that whatever remains of the incoming object probably fell in
an elongated pattern up to 30 km long.

The meteoroid's size is also still a guess. The satellites' visible
and infrared sensors recorded 1.3 billion joules of luminous energy,
which corresponds to a kinetic-energy wallop equivalent to 3,000 tons
of TNT (one-fifth that of the Hiroshima bomb). Meteoroids in this
energy range strike Earth roughly 10 times each year. If it was stony,
as most meteorites are, such an object would have weighed 30 to 90
tons and been the size of a car. However, Brown says acoustic and
seismic data argue for much less kinetic energy and, in turn, a much
smaller object. "I'd hoped to have had some meteorites recovered by
now," Brown concludes, but the many uncertainties diminish that
possibility. "That's why I'm here in New Mexico instead of heading for



[Broken External Image]:http://www.southpole.com/headlines/images/popcorn/pennfbmap_med.gif
That sighting map is pretty cool... wish there was a site that could generate them in real-time.

I think I know the one Tim’s talking about — I saw that video of it over the football game, and it was taped from Langley, VA in either 1992 or 1994. If anyone has tapes of that Learning Channel series Wonders of Weather, there’s a clip of it in the “THings that Fall from the Skyâ€￾ episode.
I still remember hearing about a fireball several years ago that was seen across half the country, especially in the Midwest. Wish I could remember what date that was. I seem to remember someone got it on video at a high school football game.

Wasn't that the one that punched a hole in the trunk of a car?