No tornadoes, gustnadoes, sheriffnadoes, gorilla, nor any dust swirlies, but a lot of CG and a wall cloud that eventually got cut off. Had a lightning strike hit a power line 25-50 yards in front us (Eric, his wife and I), as I just stood out of my car. Immediately prompting me to get back in. Eric get back in your truck! LOL
Started day off flying south on I 35 where I met up with Eric B'Hymer south of Emporia. We watched towers fire and dissipate, struggling to break the cap. FINALLY, as we reached Emporia, at a time that i can't remember around 7. We set up shop with WIFI at the Best Western (recommended) , took a few minutes to get GR3 going. Noticed new cells firing to our NW. We took off, going north on 99. Thanks to the Bridge road being blocked, we headed east on a dirt road till we hit 99 again (i think) going north. We positioned on a farmer's road, watching two cells trying to merge. After 15-20 minutes, the base was finally starting to lower, and a wall cloud emerged. Off we went. Eventually hit 56 and trucked it east past turnpike, where wall cloud was just 2 miles to our northeast, we raced along it, watching it move around alot, with CG striking below it. Stopped at intersection of 56 highway and 31 highway, just north of Osage city. Got out of the car as wall cloud was less than a mile to our north(Talking to Mike Johnston), CG hit power line (distance described above) Got RIGHT back in. Eric stood amazed as we watched several strikes VERY near us. By this time, wall cloud was dissipating into nada, so we headed south into Osage city, somewhere around 815 (times approx.), where there was no power. We hit highway 31 east trying to reach 75 to go south. After some heavy downpours, but no hail, we hit 75 south. Trucked it through Lyndon, where we got out of the precip core. Saw a parade of Vans parked on East side of road. Couldn't get a great look, but assumed either news crew or chase tour group. We made several stops trying to see what was now headed almost due south. Choppy clouds were visible, with a nice bow, and what looked like through lightning as a rain-free base to our northeast. Stopped several different spots to shoot video, as night was falling. Headed south towards I 35 when we noticed Amos, tony, scott,eric and others on east side of road. Flipped one in the road and got out (forgetting to shut off my lights). The bow was now visible through lightning, and after briefly introducing myself to others, storm was laying down Serious CG, and everyone decided to head. I said my farewell to Eric B'Hymer, and decided to gas up at truck stop and wait out storm. Bad idea. Wind picked up, lightning, some moderate rain, then brief silence. I had been in this situation before. I sat in a paranoid/hypnotic state, as wind, I, personally have never witnessed before shot straight in. I was on the phone with Mike, when he told me that a meso inidacated on radar was directly above me. Car was lifting and rocking from the rear, as i gripped my friend, the steering wheel. This continued on what seemed a lifetime, and these poor girls sat next to me, looking as shocked as I was. Saw debris of what, i don't know whizz by me, some hitting my car, hearing crunching noises, lights flickering and shutting off, 3/4 inch hail. Nothing but chaos ensued. Finally things let up and I got back on I-35, and saw the Wal-Mart truck flipped on it's side, facing the opposite direction it was headed, obviously a jackknife of some sort. Slowed down to take a pic, and some cop was ordering me to get by, so I went. Never experienced a derecho of such magnitude before. Special thanks to Mike Johnston and Marcus Opitz for the nowcast. Pleasure to meet Eric and his wife. Throwin in photos later. Marcus and I are gonna play the for sure bust in SE kansas, but we wanna test the wireless out(just acquired today). Wasn't expecting much today, but you take what you can get. Season sucks so far.........
Decided on not going SE KS Here are some pics:not so good, after this i shot video (could only do one or the other!) Wish I would have got close lightning strike, hopefully Eric has on video he had camera mounted inside his truck.