04/25/04 FCST North TX West OK

Larry J. Kosch

Someone in the other FORECAST thread was asking for one for the TX and OK areas. SPC forecasts does indicate a slight risk for severe storm developments today. Put your forecasts and chase plans here. 8) LJK.
It is a nice system coming out of colorado but with the dewpoint at 38 in amarillo with a variable wind at 7 & 41 in Dalhart with a NE wind I dont see anything more than some elevated storms with marginal hail and downbursts. CAPE is under 1000 and LI's are running around -4 at the most. If anything does decide to go a bit wild I am already close by and they should move SE right towards me so I will watch and wait.
Well they threw up a Thunderstorm watch for the stuff coming out of NE new mexico. I will see if its worth it after I get off work at 4pm. At the speed they are moving they should be closing in on the central panhandle by then.
Severe storms have fired east of the low in the east Tx. panhandle. A very nice looking storm in Wheeler county and a few in west Oklahoma. LI's now up to -7 and cape of 1500. Surprised me today.

This should be in a now thread but there isnt one started yet.