Post a (Google Earth) Landfall Prediction.

Jul 18, 2004
Westport, CT
Just as a fun little forecasting exercise with Hurricane Rita, post your projected landfall point here. For those with Google Earth, it'll be interesting to see if there's any sort of consensus among STers.

28.54N 95.20W
Bryan Beach, TX (~4S Freeport)
I dont think that the ridge will pull east in time to turn the storm toward Freeport or Galveston. My prediction is that Rita will stay alost on a near west track and then start the northwest track and make landfall around Rock Port, TX(just north of Corpus Cristi)
I'm sticking with my guesstiforcast of Freeport, also, from yesterday morning. The afternoon GFS opened up the unpleasant possibility that R could get to the coast, stall, and mumble/bumble her way into southern LA. Hopefully this won't be the case, because she looks like a big rainmaker wherever she lands.
As of Wed. I would target Matagorda Bay also. The question is where at? Port O'Connor or Matagorda? If you set up in either one and there’s a last minute change in the track you could find yourself either on the wrong side or completely SOL. And if you wait to long to decide, you may be shutout from getting in. Hmmmmmm …