New add-on: Quizzes - need testers

Jeff Duda

site owner, PhD
Staff member
Site owner
Oct 7, 2008
Denver, CO
I have recently added a new feature for the forum software called "Quiz Manager," which enables users to create quizzes for others to take. Quiz Manager seems a lot like poll threads, except the question types are expanded and an answer key can be supplied. For whatever reason, however, access to the quizzes seems to require specific permission that can only be given on a per-user basis (rather than a batch allowance to let every user use them). Also, the add-on itself appears to require setup in terms of adding categories, prefixes, and fields, which all need to be done manually. As a result, I have not yet opened this feature to the general user base. However, I now wish to open the Quiz Manager feature to some users who may find it interesting or useful.

To proceed, first let me know what you see when you click on this link:

My guess is that you will be told either that site is not found or that you do not have access. If you wish to help me figure out the details of this add-on, respond in this thread with your desire to have permission added. Once that is done, please attempt to fill out the test quiz I have setup here:

We will then go from there.
Clicking on the quizzes link, it gives a page with a link to 'The hydrostatic equation' ,
as well as a button to 'Add quiz'

Clicking on hydrostatic equation(from the quizzes page) goes to the quiz itself. (I didn't attempt to answer)
Clicking add brings you to a page where it looks like you could add a quiz (again, I didn't actually do the final steps)