"Certain Death" Revisited - Long post

Modified Death Warning

The thought that comes to me after reading all these posts is the delicate balancing act involved in making the public statement in association with the forecast.
I wonder if a statement something like this might be best: " Galveston is likely in the path of the worst winds and devistating tidal surge. It's crucial that you evacuate NOW. Anyone who stays behind might face serious injury or death from wind and/or tidal surge up to (x) feet. If you choose to stay, you will be responsible for your own life, as it may be too late or dangerous for emergency personnel to come to your rescue."

I was living in Houston during Rita. As a storm chaser, I wanted to stay in the Houston area and see the hurricane, but living in vulnerable South Bay which had mandatory evacuation, I chose to evacuate. Fortunately an acquaintance invited me to their family home in Cyprus (NW of downtown).
Just before getting in my packed car to leave, my phone rang. It was a taped message from the mayor of Clear Lake with a warning that left no uncertainty.
It went something like: "Evacuate NOW before it's too late. Once the storm begins, do not count on availability of or transportation to shelters. Expect up to 20 foot tidal surges..." I hung up at that point since I was in the process of locking my door and leaving.