Accuweather says NHC is much less confident than they are

What is really useless is Joel Myers and his ilk.

Hopefully, he will eventually run out of desperate mets willing to work in his met sweatshop, and he'll go under. It would serve him right for being such a prick. Without his ilk, the public/private partnership would be so much better than today.
Originally posted by Mike Smith
Third, [paraphrasing] \"AW should be cut off from the data for criticizing the NWS.\" Isn't this a free country? Should you be cut off from using the highways for criticizing the service at the DMV?

Of course they shouldn't be cut off (although it would be kind of nice to drive home a point to those bastards), but what should happen is that the director of the weather service should come out, explain the differences between these two graphics, point out how misleading it is for them to use an old graphic for comparison, and then tell them to go straight to hell. NWS has been mollycoddling these petulant children at "accu"wx for years now, and it needs to stop.
I have time and again defended the private sector's role in meteorology and I certainly don't believe NOAA is above mild and civil criticism. But for Accuweather to come out and call an NHC product "useless" drops any pretense of professionalism and shows the true intent of Joel Myers, that is, to display government weather services and forecasters as incompetent bureaucratic boobs in order to make his own company look better. All this in order to squeeze NOAA into being nothing more than a data collection and dissemination agency for private weather services.

I am a libertarian as far as my political beliefs go, yet I feel that the NWS/NCEP team is one of the few government agencies that give the taxpayer one hell of a return on their tax investment everyday.

I believe that Joel Meyers owes NOAA and the NHC nothing short of a formal and PUBLIC apology for their poor selection of words.


I agree completely, Mike. The number I have heard is that it costs each taxpayer somewhere on the order of $2.50 a year to fund the NWS. Hell of a lot more bang for your buck than accuwx.
Looks to me like AccuWeather just extrapolated what the NHC was already forecasting. Kind of hard to consider something useless that you yourself pay so much attention to, AccuWeather. What a joke!

It is also very insulting to the tropical experts at NHC. AccuWeather should make a public appology to NHC employees, and make certain it remains on their site for at least a week!

Just a little note...Joe Bastardi said on Fox, 5 or 6 hours ago, that Rita would go down as a worse hurricane than Audrey. Time will tell I suppose.
Looking at some of the obs this morning, it appears the western half of the 90% or greater probability of hurricane force winds in the AccuWeather graphic above will not see hurricane force winds. This includes the all-important greater Houston metro area. I don't think we will be hearing about this stat from AccuWeather.
I believe it was one short month ago when Katrina was just north of the Florida Keys, NHC had a 3 day forecast just south of southern MS, while Accuweather had an "extreme risk to life and property" bullseye over the eastern Florida panhandle. Granted, this was still 3 days prior to landfall (graphic available on request, since this is a Rita forum).

That said, it is PR's job to sell the company, and they may or may not be intimate with the operations part of the company. I'm not saying this is true for AW, but it can maybe explain these outlandish claims.

Finally, the NHC product is EXPERIMENTAL. That's a bad move on the part of AW in my opinion. I agree however though that NHC's percentages do seem low. If there were probabilities within xx miles of a point, the probabilities would seem more accurate, but for these new experiemental products, they seem to just be straight percentages.
Originally posted by Pat
Just a little note...Joe Bastardi said on Fox, 5 or 6 hours ago, that Rita would go down as a worse hurricane than Audrey. Time will tell I suppose.

Yeah, now into the morning hours Mr. Bastard-i has been trying to switch focus from Rita to what's out there right now ... oooooo ... he knows damn full well he messed up when yesterday he was all about the storm plowing straight into Galveston and Houston and the possibility of strengthening ... ranting and raving about devastation, destruction, billions of dollars ... yeah nice going smart guy ...

Meanwhile he joins in with Fox News ranting and hyping how gas prices will explode into the $5 range and that supplies will be low all over the nation ... then he puts in the extra edge of fear noting Rita could loop back and do this all over again ...

Then there's the stupid Fox questioning ... e.g.: asking rescue personnel if gas prices will go up ... yeah, smart line of questioning. I'm not getting into that.
Originally posted by Benjamin Sipprell
...he knows damn full well he messed up when yesterday he was all about the storm plowing straight into Galveston and Houston and the possibility of strengthening ... ranting and raving about devastation, destruction, billions of dollars ... yeah nice going smart guy ...

It seems to me quite a few members on this board made a mistake as well...

The guy is only doing his assigned job - and the job isn't to say "well, I think it MIGHT hit here"... The public (and ratings) want a specific target location, and that's what Accuweather is out to do. They are a business, not a non-profit organization - therefore they MUST and should be expected to give the viewers what they want. The fact is, if Accuweather didn't make outlandish claims, FOX may not have outsourced them to do the job.

Do you honestly expect a company to say "Yeah, NHC is better than us, in fact you can visit their website here:"?

I can understand being upset at the management for making their on-air mets gloat, but it seems you have a very personal grudge against Joe, may I ask why?
Originally posted by rdewey+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rdewey)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Benjamin Sipprell
...he knows damn full well he messed up when yesterday he was all about the storm plowing straight into Galveston and Houston and the possibility of strengthening ... ranting and raving about devastation, destruction, billions of dollars ... yeah nice going smart guy ...

It seems to me quite a few members on this board made a mistake as well...

The guy is only doing his assigned job - and the job isn't to say "well, I think it MIGHT hit here"... The public (and ratings) want a specific target location, and that's what Accuweather is out to do. They are a business, not a non-profit organization - therefore they MUST and should be expected to give the viewers what they want. The fact is, if Accuweather didn't make outlandish claims, FOX may not have outsourced them to do the job.

Do you honestly expect a company to say "Yeah, NHC is better than us, in fact you can visit their website here:\"?

I can understand being upset at the management for making their on-air mets gloat, but it seems you have a very personal grudge against Joe, may I ask why?[/b]

Why are you judging peoples personal opinions on someone else? IMO, there are ample reasons why people would dis-like these individuals based on the actions and statements they have said. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and doing their job is not an all out excuse.
Originally posted by Anonymous+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Anonymous)</div>
Originally posted by rdewey@
<!--QuoteBegin-Benjamin Sipprell

...he knows damn full well he messed up when yesterday he was all about the storm plowing straight into Galveston and Houston and the possibility of strengthening ... ranting and raving about devastation, destruction, billions of dollars ... yeah nice going smart guy ...

It seems to me quite a few members on this board made a mistake as well...

The guy is only doing his assigned job - and the job isn't to say "well, I think it MIGHT hit here"... The public (and ratings) want a specific target location, and that's what Accuweather is out to do. They are a business, not a non-profit organization - therefore they MUST and should be expected to give the viewers what they want. The fact is, if Accuweather didn't make outlandish claims, FOX may not have outsourced them to do the job.

Do you honestly expect a company to say "Yeah, NHC is better than us, in fact you can visit their website here:\"?

I can understand being upset at the management for making their on-air mets gloat, but it seems you have a very personal grudge against Joe, may I ask why?

Why are you judging peoples personal opinions on someone else? IMO, there are ample reasons why people would dis-like these individuals based on the actions and statements they have said. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and doing their job is not an all out excuse.[/b]

My post was MY personal opinion, so it sounds like you are doing doing exactly what you tell me NOT to do :wink:

I just don't like seeing the personal attacks, and would rather comply with the ST rules... Of course, most of the people here are "anonymous" and probably didn't read the rules... But still.
Originally posted by rdewey+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rdewey)</div>
Originally posted by Anonymous+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Anonymous)
<!--QuoteBegin-Benjamin Sipprell

...he knows damn full well he messed up when yesterday he was all about the storm plowing straight into Galveston and Houston and the possibility of strengthening ... ranting and raving about devastation, destruction, billions of dollars ... yeah nice going smart guy ...

It seems to me quite a few members on this board made a mistake as well...

The guy is only doing his assigned job - and the job isn't to say "well, I think it MIGHT hit here"... The public (and ratings) want a specific target location, and that's what Accuweather is out to do. They are a business, not a non-profit organization - therefore they MUST and should be expected to give the viewers what they want. The fact is, if Accuweather didn't make outlandish claims, FOX may not have outsourced them to do the job.

Do you honestly expect a company to say "Yeah, NHC is better than us, in fact you can visit their website here:\"?

I can understand being upset at the management for making their on-air mets gloat, but it seems you have a very personal grudge against Joe, may I ask why?

Why are you judging peoples personal opinions on someone else? IMO, there are ample reasons why people would dis-like these individuals based on the actions and statements they have said. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and doing their job is not an all out excuse.[/b]

My post was MY personal opinion, so it sounds like you are doing doing exactly what you tell me NOT to do :wink:

I just don't like seeing the personal attacks, and would rather comply with the ST rules... Of course, most of the people here are "anonymous" and probably didn't read the rules... But still.[/b][/quote]

You don't like personal attacks but you are accusing people of harboring personal grudges. Sounds like a personal attack to me. Im not sure what rule violation you are refering to but accusing others of harboring personal grudges which is probably the same rule violation.
I think I'll throw in my $0.02 to calm things down a bit. I was still banking on a left hand jog early enough to make landfall in the Galveston area. I'll be the first to admit that I was off a little bit in my landfall prediction...but not by much. I don't think that's the issue here.

The issue here, and the personal flames stem from someone and the company they are the CEO of flaunting that they are the best and actually badmouthing the federal government in public. The kind of comments that I heard about aimed at NHC from Accuweather are extremely uncalled for. I have seen Accuweather blow numerous forecasts before when mine were right. So what, it happens. I didn't badmouth them for it. No other companies to my knowledge are badmouthing NHC. Accuweather has a peronal agenda and these flames were not done by accident. The fact of the matter remains that NHC did a superb job not only with Katrina but also with Rita. The organization of the hurricane hunter flights, advisories and the hundreds of other coordination conference calls they are responsible for is something that they should be commended for. To flame them, because they have an "Expiremental" plot map and to say the things they did publicly is completely uncalled for. In fact, I believe Accuweather should publicly apologize to the NHC (NOAA) for these blatant accusations. I further think that the American Meteorological Society should demand this apology. Maybe everyone here should sign a petition demanding an apology. Just some ideas, but the bottom line is, Accuweather was way out of line with the PUBLIC flames toward NHC and the verification of their forecasts has room for improvement too.
Originally posted by HAltschule
I think I'll throw in my $0.02 to calm things down a bit. I was still banking on a left hand jog early enough to make landfall in the Galveston area. I'll be the first to admit that I was off a little bit in my landfall prediction...but not by much. I don't think that's the issue here.

The issue here, and the personal flames stem from someone and the company they are the CEO of flaunting that they are the best and actually badmouthing the federal government in public. The kind of comments that I heard about aimed at NHC from Accuweather are extremely uncalled for. I have seen Accuweather blow numerous forecasts before when mine were right. So what, it happens. I didn't badmouth them for it. No other companies to my knowledge are badmouthing NHC. Accuweather has a peronal agenda and these flames were not done by accident. The fact of the matter remains that NHC did a superb job not only with Katrina but also with Rita. The organization of the hurricane hunter flights, advisories and the hundreds of other coordination conference calls they are responsible for is something that they should be commended for. To flame them, because they have an \"Expiremental\" plot map and to say the things they did publicly is completely uncalled for. In fact, I believe Accuweather should publicly apologize to the NHC (NOAA) for these blatant accusations. I further think that the American Meteorological Society should demand this apology. Maybe everyone here should sign a petition demanding an apology. Just some ideas, but the bottom line is, Accuweather was way out of line with the PUBLIC flames toward NHC and the verification of their forecasts has room for improvement too.

Yes... This is a good example of a well thought out post, with no flames. By reading Howie's post, I can identify the problem and I actually AGREE.

What made me upset was the bashing of a particular met, who had nothing to do with the story at hand...

And to "Guest" - I don't intend on persuing a conversation with you. If you have additional issues, feel free to PM me if possible.
Isn't archived data from AccuWeather and NHC still available? It would be easy to carefully quantify the error and see who did best, whether it was NHC or AccuWeather. Though getting the word out was certainly more important, forecasting skill is at the core of what we all do. It would be nice to cut through all the smoke and mirrors for a change.

We're getting some very healthy gusts here in Palestine... 30 gusting to 50 mph. Had a few power flickers earlier.
