Yet another data question

Mar 25, 2005
Canton, IL
Hey all,

Yet another mobile data thread here. Have read some of the other ones, and none of my specific questions have been answered, so just starting a new thread makes the most sense to me.

Long story short, I need mobile data. I've been going essentially visually for much of the year, and have been decently successful in the limited dataset, but I'd really prefer to get my own setup. When I've had data, it's only because my chase partners/friends have had it, and I've piggybacked off them. It's my turn to give back a little.

Just curious what people with the most success have been using. I'm leaning toward trying the month-to-month option Verizon offers, so reviews on that would be specifically helpful. More specific questions follow:

*For those of you who run data with an aircard and monthly plan with a 5GB limit (pretty much everyone except Alltel now), how much of that do you eat up in a normal chase month (specific number of chases, how much you use data throughout the day, where you chase is all helpful and necessary information)?

*Anyone have a clue how much of that 5GB cap running GR3 constantly on a chase would eat up?

*Verizon people: any problems with the service? Any problems with overage charges? Any problems with coverage (other than it's less coverage south of KS, more north of KS)? Any one air card better than another?

Thanks, all, for all information you can give.
Also, one more question:

* For those of you on Verizon who use the month-to-month service -- is there an activation/termination fee? I.E., say I buy a card on eBay, and go to Verizon to activate it for the 5gb monthly plan. I tell them I want it from now until August. Do they charge me in August when they shut it off? And again in May 2010 when I'd have it turned back on?

My vote is for Verizon after switching from ATT. The month to month plan works nicely, but there is an activation fee of $20 when you turn it on. Other than that I havn't been hit by any charges. I haven't come close to my 5GB limit and use GR3 with plenty of placefiles. Its the video streaming that gets you, and only if you are out a lot. I've only chased twice so far this month so I've really not had the chance to download much. They will charge you for overages, however. I know some people who use it as their primary internet connection and have been been charged large fees for excessive downloading. Verizon's coverage is vastly superior to ATT, including here in IL. I have no experience with other datacards than the KPC680, but I would highly recommend a cradlepoint router. It makes life much easier when connecting and holding that connection.
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Tethering is another option. It's month to month and there is no activation fee. The downside is you are using you phone for the data, and cant use it to call/text while getting data. But as long as you already have a phone capable of tethering, its the cheaper way to go instead of spending the money for an air card.
I have Verizon and it works like a charm in IL. When I chased MO on the 13th, it was in and out but overall was pleased with it. Much of Eastern KS is money as well. However, Western Oklahoma was a big data hole for me. It was frustrating, however, I was just running off the aircard with no router or boost kit of any kind so that may be something I (maybe you too) will be looking into. I hear good things data wise about Sprint, but others have commented about some shady-ness in the customer service/overage bills. I guess its a case by case basis but my vote would be Verizon. I didn't have to pay the activation fee since my guy is best friends with my dad and cuts me breaks all the time. I use my laptop every single day and have just under 3.5 GB out of the 5. My cycle is the 27th of every month. I run AIM, GR3, youtube, etc constantly and still have over a GB remaining. As I said I have used my laptop nearly every day as my main PC and haven't come close to going over. Whatever you choose, good luck.
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It depends where you chase mostly.

Ive used AT&T for 3 years and found I can get decent coverage in most places. Overall countrywide AT7T will give you decent enough coverage especially along main roads. Once a few miles into the rural areas the coverage will drop but really Im never more than 15 minutes without it. Other providers will have totaly amazing coverage that out performs the AT&T but like Danny said, when we were chasing in western OK the Verizon didnt work at all but the AT&T did most of the time. Im not using any sort of boost kit either.

Its best just to look at various coverage maps of the different providers and compare the areas you plan to chase most. Right now for me I would rather have decent coverage across the whole country than awesome coverage in some parts and zero coverage in others, because I chase anywhere and everywhere....but thats a personal preference on my end. I can go 15 minutes without data...get a coverage spot, get the updates I need and then move on.
I have Verizon and it works like a charm in IL. When I chased MO on the 13th, it was in and out but overall was pleased with it....

We was on the same chase with a UM175 from Alltel, which was probably using the same towers as Danny Neal, and never lost signal at all. The reason, we had an amp and external magnetic antennia. This setup kicks a** with mostly 5 bars all the way. Gordon Spencer of Maximum Signal got me all sorted out with the right gear. Guys, I highly recommend using an amp and external antennia.

Alltel has no 5gb Cap!!!

Or then again, maybe I should say it sucks, so I can hog all the bandwidth myself. See you all on the next system.
I know for me at least, when covering large ranges of chase areas, I dont think you can find one company that can do it all for you.. Ive chased IL/MO/OK/KS/TX this year with verizon, and been pretty happy. But there have been times when I was mad and wanted a new company LOL. I have no ideas/experience with auto net or satellite internet.. A chaser I was with had a 350 dollar max signal amp with a high gain antenna on the roof, when we were chasing OK panhandle, and he barely had data on verizon, while a chaser behind us had altell and had spotty coverage.

I say an amp and outside antenna are certainly the way to go. You just cant beat it, but dont let it make you think you are invincible because many data holes still exist, I know I dealt with some in Northeast MO on the Kirksville Storm, and had to use Sprint for a while..

I hope the whole Altell and Verizon thing is worked out soon, I thought they were already able to roam on each others towers, but it does not make sense the data coverage differences I have ran into in the plains thus far..
For Me...

Verizon all the way. The Speed of the network is superior (averaging of 500KB's to up to 3Mb/s) Coverage is REALLY good unless in West Oklahoma or areas of Texas.

When verizon lacks, i tether my T-Mobile phone for the 80KB/s and T-Mobile so far has superior coverage to EVERY Network. Oklahoma i had Coverage everywhere on T-Mobile and Texas was better than most others i have seen.