WTB: Weather/Chasing DVDs for Kids

Sep 25, 2006
Livonia, MI, USA
So my son has taken quite quickly to watching a couple of storm chasing DVDs, primarily Tony Laubach's 2007 (the one with 'daddy music' on it) and Mike Hollingshead's latest, though while I enjoy it, it's a little slow for him.

While I don't mind spending $25 for a DVD, I'd prefer to spend the money on something I'm confident he'll enjoy so I put the call out to everyone: What would be a good DVD to purchase?

Obviously there has to be a lot of action, but my son seems to pick up on the chatter too, so perhaps there's one out there that has some of that too.
Minnesota Mayhem:


- No extreme language
- Amazing tornado footage/lots of action

- Blu-ray has an excellent bonus feature where we narrate the entire chase but even the standard dialogue on the DVD has plenty of discussion as to whats going on as it occurs.

- I guess if I had to say one bad thing for kids is the DVD is almost 1hr 45min long, which can he tough for kids.

/ sales pitch.