Windows 10 automatic update is deleting user files - October 2018

Jan 14, 2011
St. Louis
Many users of Windows 10 are reporting that all files in the "My Documents/Music/Videos" folders are being deleted by the latest automatic updates for October 2018.

If you are using these folders to store pictures, videos and other files, back them up ASAP and don't allow the updates to proceed! Microsoft has acknowledged the problem and has apparently halted the rollout of the updates for now.

Another example of why regular backups of your data is essential!
The 2-3 big updates MS is rolling out during the year are still so big and slow. My mom was in the hospital and rehab afterwards for most of September, so I knew it would take awhile to update her laptop. In the end it took close to 4 hours with several reboots to complete for MS alone. That doesn’t even include the other apps that needed updates for not turning her laptop on for a month.

Everyday I have a slew of updates too and it’s getting worse all the time. I just wish they could streamline the MS updates to run faster and not take so long. I have a fast internet connection too so that isn’t part of the problem. I guess I just had to vent! :(
Glad I never upgraded to that POS of an OS. Not sure why anyone would ever willingly upgrade to Windows 10. Just as much of a crap OS as Windows ME and Windows Vista were.
Windows 7 was my all time favorite and 10 seems to be an extension of 7, but with most of the goofy stuff from 8 and 8.1 removed. Now that malware in the wild has been reported to attack and embed itself to the UEFI things are getting really serious. That's a big time low level of access to embed C&C software on someone's machine.

I respectfully disagree that's it's the worst of all time. In fact I think it's the best iteration MS has come up with yet. It does have its issues no doubt but I'll live with them for the time being.
I resisted the constant reminders and opportunities to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 shortly after I bought my current desktop machine, which is now over 4 years old (and still works pretty well). So thankfully that does not apply to me.

I have preferred to buy desktops over the years because I was a heavy gamer and I found desktops to be more convenient for working on (both academic, personal, and gaming). However, I have basically completely stopped gaming, and the cost of decent desktop machines seems to have risen, so once my current machine can no longer hack it, I will probably go over to laptops.

Yeah, sorry, I kinda went off-topic here :oops:
When chasing....set your wireless connection to "metered connection". It will permanently turn off all updates. I usually manually update my virus definitions.
I am using a laptop from 2010 with Windows 7. I ignored the advice of the IT person at work and never updated. By keeping my machine on permission to update, I never got caught in that forced update to Windows 10 a few years ago that crashed many systems. I dread the day when I have to get a new laptop as I've heard Windows 10 won't let you ignore updates.