Why is the RAP UCAR site only showing old RUC data?

It's probably because May 1st was the changeover date from the RUC to the RAP (Rapid Refresh) and the UCAR site hasn't been updated yet.
I know there are hold outs that still use the RAP NCAR website for model data and I'm not sure if this would be helpful or not, but Twister Data actually has the new Rapid Refresh model running like a champ on their website Stuart.

Here's a link that I hope you'll find useful for getting what you need. I know a guy from church who works at NCAR, so I sent him an e-mail to see if he could provide an answer as to when the website will be updated. I'll let you know if he has any information to share.
I've talked with Greg Thompson who updates most of that site. He's been on vacation for a few weeks and something broke. He'll fix it when he gets back (at least, the upper air and surface analysis plots).

As far as the modeling links go, they still list the Eta as the short-range mesoscale model. Not sure why they haven't bothered to update a simple graphic like an image box.
I got another email from Greg Thompson this morning informing me that the upper-air plots have been fixed (I checked), and he's currently working on the surface analysis and forecast graphics.
The UCAR site has now been fixed to show the RAP model. I do use twisterdata but who else finds that the RAP model runs are slow to come outon that site?

UCAR is normally 1 or 2z more updated than twisterdata.
The UCAR site has now been fixed to show the RAP model. I do use twisterdata but who else finds that the RAP model runs are slow to come outon that site?

UCAR is normally 1 or 2z more updated than twisterdata.

Sometimes TD is slower. I've found UCAR also loads quicker in lower bandwidth situations and in some cases is the only option.
UCAR has been my model site of choice also. It has always seemed to be the first to update. I also like the Twisterdata site for the better selection of parameters, but don't use it as much as UCAR. UCAR currently doesn't have GFS plots for CAPE, EHI, bulk shear, etc for instance like twisterdata does.

I built a bookmarks page to panel the UCAR images side by side, which has been very helpful in comparing multiple images at a time, rather than having to flip back and forth and try to remember the previous image.
