George Kourounis
Right now I'm in the Yukon, filming cold weather for "Angry Planet"
It's -41C (-41.8F) with a wind chill warning for -50C (-58F) to -60C (-76F)
Our camera gear is totally malfunctioning, cables snapping from the cold, even our heavy duty tripod is not working properly because the different parts of the legs are contracting at different rates and the legs don't want to stay locked.
All the moisture in the air is freezing into ice fog and even the snowmobiles are breaking down.
One of the things we're filming is the Yukon Arctic Ultramarathon. These super athletes run either 100 or 320 miles in the frigid cold, sleeping outside for up to 6 days, pulling a sled full of equipment. They are totally on their own if the run into trouble out there... Oh and there is no prize money for winning!
This is by far the coldest I've ever experienced.
Updates & pictures are being posted online:
George Kourounis
It's -41C (-41.8F) with a wind chill warning for -50C (-58F) to -60C (-76F)
Our camera gear is totally malfunctioning, cables snapping from the cold, even our heavy duty tripod is not working properly because the different parts of the legs are contracting at different rates and the legs don't want to stay locked.
All the moisture in the air is freezing into ice fog and even the snowmobiles are breaking down.
One of the things we're filming is the Yukon Arctic Ultramarathon. These super athletes run either 100 or 320 miles in the frigid cold, sleeping outside for up to 6 days, pulling a sled full of equipment. They are totally on their own if the run into trouble out there... Oh and there is no prize money for winning!
This is by far the coldest I've ever experienced.
Updates & pictures are being posted online:
George Kourounis