What is iCAPE?

Tom Mull

Apr 14, 2011
Wildwood, MO
I noticed that the soundings now give iCAPE and iCIN, etc. I know what CAPE and CIN are but what does the i stand for? Thanks.
It would help if you mentioned where you saw this and/or posted a graphic of it. I have never heard of either term before.
It would help if you mentioned where you saw this and/or posted a graphic of it. I have never heard of either term before.

If you go to the site below, you can get the soundings for a given airport or weather station.


The site used to give CAPE and CIN at the top right, but there are no values now. If you load the soundings, also there are no values for CAPE or CIN. But, it you click in the middle of the skew-T chart, iCAPE and iCIN will appear on the right. Nowhere can I find a definition for iCAPE or iCIN. It might be the values for the elevation that was clicked.
If you go to the site below, you can get the soundings for a given airport or weather station.


The site used to give CAPE and CIN at the top right, but there are no values now. If you load the soundings, also there are no values for CAPE or CIN. But, it you click in the middle of the skew-T chart, iCAPE and iCIN will appear on the right. Nowhere can I find a definition for iCAPE or iCIN. It might be the values for the elevation that was clicked.

From the help file at https://rucsoundings.noaa.gov/gwt/help.html ... the "i" stands for "interactive" and are computed when the user clicks somewhere on the Skew-T to specify a parcel.
I played a bit and do see values for CAPE and CIN in the forecast Skew-Ts but not in the analysis Skew-T.