Web Hosting Poll

Dec 18, 2003
Lubbock, TX
Hello everyone!

As most everyone knows I run Dryline Hosting, where many storm chasers host their websites.

As I often do around this time of year, I am doing market research, to see how we can better enhance and/or improve our services. I have some very cool changes in mind, but since the majority of our customers are storm chasers and StormTrack members, I most certainly like to get their input!

I have created a poll on the main page of our website, if you would kindly take a moment to go vote on it.
The poll is on the right side about halfway down.

I also interested in hearing any feedback from current, past or potential customers as to what you would like in web hosting.

More specifically, what would make you chose Dryline Hosting over another web host (or what made you choose if you are a current customer)?

Also most certainly would like feedback on our current hosting packages.
Too many to choose from? Cost too much? Need to charge more? Whatever.

Your input is vitally important as I use it to try to tailor Dryline Hosting to the web hosting needs of the storm chase community first!

Thanks everyone for your time!
I use 1&1 Developer Package


300 Gigs
Unlimited bandwidth
4000 E-Mail accounts
5 domains included
Plus various other little things.

I've been very satisfied with their uptime and and speed.

I see the poll was mostly about "unlimited" packages.

I find that there is nothing "unlimited" and when I see that term used, I immediately look for the fine print to see why this will suck.

Verizon used to sell "unlimited" broadband..........As long as you stay under 5Gig
I use 1&1 Developer Package

I see the poll was mostly about "unlimited" packages.

I find that there is nothing "unlimited" and when I see that term used, I immediately look for the fine print to see why this will suck.

Verizon used to sell "unlimited" broadband..........As long as you stay under 5Gig

So what did you find in the terms for 1&1's "unlimited bandwidth"?

EDIT: I checked their terms and found this:

Bandwidth use, including but not limited to data retrieval from your Web Site, e-mail traffic, and downloads, shall not exceed six gigabytes per month.

So I guess 1&1 is like Verizon's "unlimited" too.
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