WeatherGeek Pro 24 Hour Sale - 99 Cents


Mar 18, 2011
Cincinnati, OH
WeatherGeek Pro 24 Hour Sale

I just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up that WeatherGeek Pro is on sale. 99 cents on all platforms for the next 24 hours. This is the lowest price we will ever offer this app for, so if you were on the fence, this is a great time to try it out.

On another note, we want to thank everyone here for their support and suggestions. We are about half way to our download goal before development of the next version will begin and we hope to implement many suggestions from the weather community.

Some of the items on the list of improvements:

1.) Time selector: Currently you must “swipeâ€￾ (while un-zooomed) each image left or right to change times (or animate the images). We want to add a selector so you can go to a specific time. This is the most requested feature.
2.) Improved image caching: Currently, if you are not on a good Wi-Fi or a marginal 3G connection, images will not animate smoothly or if the connection s bad enough, the images may not even properly show up when swiping. We hope to expand caching of images to help eliminate this problem when dealing with less-than-optimal internet connections.
3.) Zoom lock: Ability to lock in the zoom and still allow the swipe function to work.
4.) Expanded data choices/models: We would like to offer even more models and parameters in the future. (especially severe wx parameters)

As always, you can contact us at [email protected] or on Twitter @wxgeekpro and on Facebook at . We answer each and every email and tweet promptly and will help with any problem you have. Unfortunately, we have had a few reviews on the iTunes app store just saying “this app is junkâ€￾ or “not worth it.â€￾ This is frustrating for us, because these users did not try to contact us for help or give any indication to what their problem was. We know the app isn’t perfect, but reviews and ratings like this just slow down the amount of time it will take for us to have enough sales to reinvest into the next version of the app to make it better. We do this because we love meteorology, not because we are trying to make money.

Any questions, just ask and I’ll be happy to answer. A number of us continue to use this app everyday for forecasting and have a lot of other good ideas to carry on to new versions in the future. Thanks again for all your help.

John is telling me your credit card info is not valid....did it expire? Or maybe a number is not typed correctly? Google checkout keeps cancelling your order. So sorry about this.

I was trying it through Sprint. I tried a cc and got it to work after a few times. Thanks for running the special. is telling me your credit card info is not valid....did it expire? Or maybe a number is not typed correctly? Google checkout keeps cancelling your order. So sorry about this.

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Thanks all who purchased. 100% of proceeds go back into development.

We have a model guide and user guide on our website at

And...we've extended the sale one more day. Price goes back to normal Thursday.:cool:
Yeah....I got some BS issue too, about credit card validation. But I've been getting that for all my apps the past few days....even FREE ones. iPhone App store FAIL. No rush for me though, I'll wait till it's reduced again, or until I can buy a ton more apps.
Black Berries are dead....development there is just a waste of time. Besides, it really was only the government sales that artificially supported that platform. Now that they're moving off's obviously becoming obsolete.