Weather Truck

I could see this thing causing a controversy with its light bar and sirens...

Why do you always have to get into this? It's always about the lightbars. Seriously, who cares? As long as people aren't using them illegally, what harm is it doing? I see vehicles every other week driving down the roads around here with amber lights going. It's only a big deal because we make it a big deal. Don't take this personal or anything, I'm not saying this in a hateful way or anything.. just get tired of hearing about lightbars and how evil they are.
Like david said this truck was built by Phil henry who is a wizard at electronics. he holds many patents for Uniden and Cobra. Phil and I have chased together for about 10 years now. He sold the truck to a guy named Bill Blumenthal who joined our teams back in 2003 back when Phil built his famous black hummer. Bill was planning on being out this year again when he died suddenly. I had talked to him a few days before about his plans to join us. He was one of the nisest guys you would ever have met. I miss him already.

As for the truck it is a good truck. I can tell you now it isnt stock. It has a full roll cage, custom exhaust, and a supercharger under the hood!!

The lightbar is yellow lights (actually an arrow stick design. no rotators)and the siren is a PA and airhorn only. No actual siren.

$5000 is a great deal for this thing. It sounds mean as hell with its custom exhaust. If I had the cash I would buy it in a heartbeat as a backup chase vehicle. This thing has been with our team for a long time. I would love it to be bought by a true chaser.
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L He sold the truck to a guy named Bill Blumenthal who joined our teams back in 2003 back when Phil built his famous balck hummer. Bill was planning on being out this year again when he died suddenly.

I thought the truck looked familar.

I didn't realize that Bill was the one that died. I met Bill the same day I met Chris Hayes up in Emporia back in 2005 and chased up in that area. I was just wondering the other day if Bill would be back out on the plains this year.


Faidley used to drive a black four door Explorer before he bought the Xterra, which has lovingly been christened the 'Archangel.' It's one insanely tricked out chase vehicle, that's for sure. I cringe when I think how much money Warren spent on it... but then again, when you have mulitple corporate sponsors like he does, money isn't really much of an issue, is it?

As for the Bravada, damn I wish I had $5k laying around! That's one kick ass chase truck! If I had the cash, I would for sure be writing the check this minute! I would love to have a dedicated chase vehicle like this. Maybe after college...:D
I am trying to find a way to get the $$. I just hate to see this truck leave my chase family. It has been part of my team for a decade. Not going to be easy though with chase vacation coming up. maybe a bank loan or something. I know kanani hates to see it leave. She and Bill had become very close friends.